Aug 27, 2007

Advertising on social media

John Borthwick says:

"Ads are often blunt instruments that fail to offer value to a membership engaged in a dynamic conversation – targeting and metadata only get you so far."
Greg Yardley, on the other hand, wonders:

"But what if individual ad targeting gets really good? What if the proportion of ads that don’t work plummet, and start getting replaced with more and more ads that actually make me want new stuff?

What happens to society in general, if due to the increased effectiveness of targeted advertising, we all experience a sudden uptick in the things we want?"

So what about targeted ads that are designed, through their attributes, to reinforce the dynamism of social media? Ads that are delivered based on activities (and conversations, as John says) that are occurring within specific social media. There is alot of value to be created there if someone gets that right.


3G said...

Hello mate ggreat blog